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Centrum Promocji Innowacji i Rozwoju
15-540 Białystok, ul. Żurawia 71
+48 85 722 24 56
Centrum Promocji Innowacji i Rozwoju


The Association Centre for the Promotion of Innovation and Development (CPIR) was established thanks to a group of scientists, entrepreneurs and representatives of the liberal professions who care about the region's development and increasing its competitiveness. CPIR carries out its mission by implementing projects with the support of international and national aid funds, especially in the field of clustering, social economy, improvement of the quality of vocational education, development of entrepreneurship and economic transformation based on the assumptions of Industry 4.0. The main area of the Centre's activity is the establishment and management of the Metalworking Cluster, which has the status of the National Key Cluster, one of the biggest clusters in the metalmachine industry in Poland. CPIR is a centre accredited by the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal's Office to provide consulting services of a specialized nature for Podlaskie SMEs.